Thursday, May 14, 2009

Gatherin' 09

Another gatherin' has come and gone. It was a great weekend. The weather was perfect Scottish weather, drizzle off and on but no wind! It was cool but not cold which made for a wonderful day to take in the activities. There were three bands to provide great Celtic music. And, of course, a piper! My buddies in the Rogue Pipers of Western Kansas Association were not able to make it so I did my duty and obeyed the law of the pack, so to speak.

Since the weather cooperated, we were able to light the Bletane Fire, a highlight of the festival for many people.

Tuck, my sons dog, and my dog Guinness enjoyed scrounging the other camp sites for left over food. Who can say no to a Wolf hound who can look you in the eyes with a hungry look? I now look forward to next year.

In the mean time I am planning to pipe and the Veterans Cemetery for Memorial Day. A chance to wear the military uniform I got from Amy for Christmas.

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